MHD Customer Service -

10.1 We may terminate the agreement set out in these Terms if: (a) you are in material breach (including non-payment) of any provision of these Terms which is not remediable or, if remediable, is not remedied with a period of thirty (30) days after we have given notice to you requiring such breach to be remedied. In such circumstances we will be permitted (without liability) to suspend the provision of the Services to you and your Online Access until such a breach has been remedied; (b) you appear to be unable to pay your debts (whether within the meaning of section 268 of the Insolvency Act 1986, or upon any other reasonable grounds including without limitation where a debt owing by you to us or to a third party has become due and payable and has not been met on the due date therefore), or you present or you have presented against you a bankruptcy petition or a bankruptcy order is made against you, or you take any formal step to implement an individual voluntary arrangement (within the meaning of the Insolvency Act 1986); (c) you carry out any unauthorised act with regard to the Course which infringes our Intellectual Property Rights.

10.2 You will be entitled to terminate the agreement set out under these terms under Clause 13 below.

10.3 If either party terminates the agreement set out in these Terms, you must cease using the Services and Online Access immediately.

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