MHD uses a content delivery network that provides consumers with the highest quality stream possible based on available bandwidth, CPU, device, and throughput. If you are seeing less than ideal quality, make sure that your environment meets these minimum requirements:
- Internet Explorer (Win) 11
- The Windows 10N/10KN editions come without Windows Media Player and related technologies pre-installed. To play video, you can install Microsoft's Media feature pack.
- Microsoft Edge Latest The Windows 10N/10KN editions come without Windows Media Player and related technologies pre-installed. To play video, you can install Microsoft's Media feature pack.
- Chrome Desktop (Win, Mac) Latest
- Firefox Desktop (Win, Mac) Latest
- Safari Desktop (Mac) 9+
- Safari Mobile (iOS) 9+
- Chrome Mobile (iOS) Latest
- Chrome Mobile (Android) Latest Google no longer supports Android 4.x and older with the Chrome browser.
- IE Windows 8 Tablet 11
- Chrome OS 33+